Main Place in Chandrapur city - Chandrapur
- Area - 10,695 sq. km
- Population (in 2001) - 2.78 lakhs
- Population (in 2011) - 3.21 Lakhs
- The literacy percentage of Chandrapur city is around 88.22% According to Wikipedia
- The ratio of literacy in Chandrapur - 89.41%
- Weather of Chandrapur
Personal opinion As I am from Chandrapur I know the weather in Chandrapur city I summer is very high and in winter is very low like a Sahara.
- Taluka in Chandrapur -15 viz. Chandrapur,Warora,Chimur,Nagbhid,Brahmapuri,Sawli,Sindewahi,Mul,Bhadravati,Pobhurna, korpana,Ballarpur,Rajura,Gondpipri and Jivati. Connectead taluka from chandrapur is Ballarpur,Bhadravati,Rajura,Warora.
- Panchayat Samiti - 14
- Nagar Parisad - 7
- Gram Panchayat - 846
- Cities - 14
- Villages - 1,791
- Police Station - 21
- Primary schools - 1,768
- High schools - 284
- Mahanagarpalika - 01
- Mahavidyalaya - 36
- Paper mile - 02
- Government colleges in Chandrapur - there are two government colleges in Chandrapur districts
- government engineering college was established in 1996 in the affiliation of Gondwana University.
- government medical college established in 2015 first medical college in Chandrapur
- Post offices in Chandrapur - 329
- Adivasi ashram school - 50
- Distance from Mumbai to Chandrapur - 928-kilo meter (by road)
- Ways of transportation - By road and railway
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