Basic Knowledge about Chandrapur

welcome to blackgoldcity/Chandrapur:- We providing you knowledge about Chandrapur 

Main Place in Chandrapur city      - Chandrapur
  • Area                                               - 10,695 sq. km
  1. Population (in 2001)                     - 2.78 lakhs
  2. Population (in 2011)                     - 3.21 Lakhs 
from the 2001 to 2011 the population is grow by 6.43 % .The female 1,080,473 and males 1,123,834.for every 1,000 there are 961 females. 
  • The literacy percentage of Chandrapur city is around 88.22% According to Wikipedia 
  • The ratio of literacy in Chandrapur - 89.41%
In the education sector, total literates in Chandrapur city are 258,463 of which 138,036 are males while 120,427 are females. The average literacy rate of Chandrapur is 89.42 percent of which males and females Literacy has 93.42 and 85.21 percent. 
  • Weather of Chandrapur 
Temperature - 46.2 degrees Celsius in the summer season and at night it goes 21-degree celsius. In the rainy season, it goes to 14 degrees Celsius and in winter it goes to 8.6 degrees Celsius in 2020.

Personal opinion As I am from Chandrapur I know the weather in Chandrapur city I summer is very high and in winter is very low like a Sahara.

  • Taluka in Chandrapur -15 viz. Chandrapur,Warora,Chimur,Nagbhid,Brahmapuri,Sawli,Sindewahi,Mul,Bhadravati,Pobhurna,      korpana,Ballarpur,Rajura,Gondpipri and Jivati. Connectead taluka from chandrapur is Ballarpur,Bhadravati,Rajura,Warora.
  • Panchayat Samiti - 14
  • Nagar Parisad - 7
  • Gram Panchayat - 846
  • Cities - 14
  • Villages - 1,791
  • Police Station - 21
  • Primary schools - 1,768 
  • High schools - 284
  • Mahanagarpalika - 01
  • Mahavidyalaya - 36
  • Paper mile - 02
The Chandrapur paper mile is located on Ballarpur highway road from Chandrapur to Ballarsha  
  • Government colleges in Chandrapur - there are two government colleges in Chandrapur districts
  1. government engineering college was established in 1996 in the affiliation of Gondwana University.
  2. government medical college established in 2015 first medical college in Chandrapur
  • Post offices in Chandrapur - 329
  • Adivasi ashram school - 50
  • Distance from Mumbai to Chandrapur - 928-kilo meter (by road)
  • Ways of transportation - By road and railway 

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